Calvary Baptist Church
All Points Baptist Mission is a ministry of Calvary Baptist Church in New Philadelphia, OH, under the leadership of Pastor Don Snow. We believe in, and practice the authority and autonomy of the local church. Calvary is home to our mission office, as well the host of our annual Advanced Missionary and Chaplaincy Training. It is the vision of Pastor Snow and the sacrificial work of our church members, which make APBM possible.

Dr. Don Snow
Pastor Snow has served as pastor of Calvary Baptist Church since June of 1986. He was raised in Seville, Ohio, where he accepted Christ as his Saviour at the age of 19. He graduated from Massillon Baptist College in 1982. Prior to accepting the pastorate of our church, Pastor Snow was the pastor of Friendship Baptist Church in Canton, Ohio.

Dr. Robbie Morrison
Dr. Robbie Morrison started APBM in January of 2004. Dr. Morrison has traveled extensively overseas in mission work with over 90 trips to 25 countries on 5 continents. These experiences of over 35 years of ministry as both pastor and missionary enables APBM to minister to the missionary and his home church in a great way.

Mike Farris
Bro. Mike Farris joined APBM in March of 2009, to serve specifically as a missionary to the military chaplains. A former Marine, Bro. Farris is knowledgeable in the needs of our military men and women. Bro. Farris is sent out of Bible Baptist Fellowship Church in Gypsy, WV.

David Loop
David answered God‘s call as a missionary to the country of Portugal where he served with his wife for 21 years. In 2022, David followed God’s leading and returned to the states to serve as Field Director at All Points Baptist Mission. David is involved in the training and ongoing ministry of missionaries. Other parts of his focus is to coordinate the Internship Program through APBM, advance the burden and need for new missionaries worldwide, present the ministry of APBM and share our desire to assist local churches as they send out their missionaries. David’s burden is to follow the example of Onesiphorus seeking to be a help and encouragement to the missionaries (II Tim. 1:16).

Dr. Gary Forney
Dr. Gary Forney was ordained to the Gospel ministry in 1968. He founded Points North Baptist Mission in 1996 as a ministry of Calvary Baptist Church of New Philadelphia, Ohio. PNBM merged with APBM in 2015, and continues on, now as a sister ministry of First Bible Baptist Church in Inuvik, Canada. PNBM now handles the Canadian dollar support for those on both sides of the border. Bro. Forney went home to be with his Saviour on December 10, 2021. All Points Baptist Mission will always miss the vast experience as a pioneer Arctic missionary and church planter. We endeavor to maintain his burden for the Circum-polar regions of the world.